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The government encourages the new three board, the enterprise financing now spring - big capacity electron positive response new three board.

Author:Admin Date:2018-04-08 Views:1900
"The size of the new third board expanded to 1,500 at the end of 2014, which is a great opportunity for many small and micro businesses to solve financing difficulties. It is because of the rapid development of the new third board that the small and medium-sized enterprises, especially the technology innovation-oriented enterprises, have seen the hope and let these entrepreneurs welcome the spring of capital.
New three board development for more than a year, in support of micro, small and medium enterprises development is also produced results, it can use three "breakthrough" to describe: break through 1200, listed company value exceeding 300 billion yuan of above 10 billion yuan, direct financing, support the development of the micro, small and medium enterprises produced results.
Statistics show that in the listed enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises account for more than 95%, and private enterprises account for more than 95%. Fifty million companies accounted for 48.8% of operating income, net profit five million, the company accounted for 56.8%, not 20% of profit and loss, on behalf of new industries and new formats, information transmission ratio of 27%, software, services, high-tech industry is up to 80%.
Large capacity of huizhou city electronic technology co., LTD., specializing in the professional circuit protection components (PPTC also called self recovery fuse, temperature fuse, fuse current, thermistor) product development, production and sales, is one of the world's few grasp the core technology of the polymer suppliers. Can provide a variety of polymer materials of self recovery fuse to meet the needs of high-tech now due on high standard strict, is the standard of high and new technology industry, the development of enterprises need financing support.
Faced with the opportunities brought by the new third board, the company has decided to solve the financing problem through the listing of the new third board, so as to make the enterprise develop a qualitative leap. At the same time, there are three problems that need to be solved: first, how to choose among the numerous securities brokers, who can truly help the maximization of the benefits of the new third board? Secondly, how to make use of the financing tools of the new third board; Once again, how to plan and formulate the plan for the future development of the enterprise.
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